What Ethan Zuckerman Could Teach Googlers About Debate Culture

When I read recently about Google’s attempts to corral internal debates, I thought the way Ethan Zuckerman handled his leaving the MIT Media Lab was a very good model for how to handle debate in general. I’ve met Ethan twice while sitting on panels together and have always been impressed with how he handled himself. […]

What Horses, Watches, And Bookstores Can Teach Us About Why Automation Won’t Kill Jobs

A few months ago I spoke on a panel, and I was asked a question that I am always asked about AI and automation – will it kill jobs? And if so, what do we do? The answer I gave surprised many people who said they had never heard an answer like this before so […]

The Half Court Ventures Story: What I’ve Learned From 4 Years of Angel Investing

Backupify was acquired in December of 2014. In June of 2015 I made my first angel investment. Along the way, I started a fund with my friend Todd Earwood, and learned a lot about investing. This post chronicles that path. Deciding To Angel Invest The first thing I did post exit was talk to lots […]